Juvenile Division
Juvenile Detention Facility (JDF)
The Tehama County Probation Department is responsible for the operation and management
of the County’s JDF. The JDF provides a safe and secure environment for the youth housed in
our facility. Youth housed in the JDF are provided educational services through the Tehama
County Department of Education; medical, mental health and substance abuse services
through the Tehama County Health Services Agency; recreational, and vocational training by
probation staff on site, and other rehabilitative services through partnerships with community
based organizations. Due to changes in law and the recent passage of Senate Bill 823 (SB
823), which initiated the closure of the California Department of Rehabilitation Division of
Juvenile Justice (DJJ), the JDF is now tasked with housing youth that previously would have
been secured in a state (DJJ) facility. This change created the Secure Youth Treatment Facility
(SYTF) program throughout the State of California. The Tehama County JDF currently houses
SYTF youth. The JDF can house up to 50 youth. In addition to housing Tehama County youth,
there are currently contracts in place to serve youth from Siskiyou, Plumas, Lassen, Glenn,
Lake, and Trinity counties.
Tehama Oaks Court School: Tehama County Department of Education operates the
Tehama Oaks Court School. The school consists of a school office and two classrooms in
separate pods. The courses offered include English Language Arts, Mathematics,
Science, Social Studies, History, and Art. Students also have access to apply for FAFSA
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and college registration.
Step-Up: Youth who are high school graduates will have access to the Shasta Technical
Education Program-United Partnership (aka: STEP-UP) which is a partnership program
through Shasta College. The STEP-UP program combines support with accountability and
community to assist students in making the transition to becoming successful, contributing
members of society. Among the academic programs that STEP-UP supports: Adult
Education, Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Business Administration, Culinary Arts,
Equipment Operations and Maintenance, Industrial Technology, Office Administration,
Welding Technology and more. STEP-UP also provides assistance for employment skills
development and job searches.
ARMOR Program: Changing ARMOR program is an in-custody 180/120 day program for
youth between the ages of 16-20, utilizing a five phase, points-based program that
focuses on (A)ttitude, (R)esponsibility, (M)otivation, (O)utlook, and (R)espect. The primary
objectives of the program are community protection and redirection of delinquent
behaviors. Changing ARMOR is a behavior modification program supported by evidence-
based programming designed to match a youth’s strengths and needs in order to assist
them in taking responsibility for their actions and develop new life and coping skills. In
order to participate in the program all youth must first be deemed a suitable candidate by
their probation officer and court ordered by their County Judge to the 180 day maximum
Makerspace: In 2016 the JDF added a Makerspace where youth housed at the JDF have
an opportunity to have a creative outlet. Makerspace allows youth to learn by doing with a
variety of hands-on projects including 3D printing, videography, music production and
other creative opportunities.
JDF Garden: The JDF garden sits on ¾ of an acre and is directly connected to the JDF
allowing youth an opportunity to grow and harvest fruits and vegetables used in the JDF
and for the Meals on Wheels.
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)- Youth participate in weekly MRT groups. MRT is an
evidence-based cognitive behavioral treatment system that leads to enhanced moral
reasoning, better decision making, and more appropriate behavior. Youth can complete
the course in 12-18 weeks and receive a certificate upon successful completion.
Aggression Replacement Training (ART)- Youth participate in weekly ART groups. ART is
an evidence-based cognitive behavioral intervention program designed to assist youth in
improving social skills, moral reasoning, and coping with and reducing aggressive
behavior. The program utilizes self-regulating exercises and mindfulness to help youth
reduce antisocial behaviors and learn and practice alternative pro-social skills.
Meals on Wheels: The Meals on Wheels program is a cooperative program between the
Probation Department and the Community Action Agency. Meals are cooked by staff at the
JDF and delivered by Meals on Wheels transporters feeding balanced, nutritious meals to
approximately 90 seniors per day throughout Tehama County.
PO BOX 99, RED BLUFF, CA 96080
(530) 527-4052
FAX (530) 527-1579
Todd Hansen
Juvenile Detention Facility